Monitoring the Kingdom’s impact on the first classified air depression for this winter, next Monday, coinciding with the start of the square

2021-12-16 2021-12-16T07:20:58Z
وائل حكيم
وائل حكيم
متنبئ جوي-قسم دراسة الحالات الجوية الشديدة

Arab Weather - The weather maps in the Arab Weather Center indicate that the Kingdom and the rest of the countries of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt are on a date with being affected by the first actual air depression for this winter, which things are heading to be classified during the coming hours according to the innovative scale of air depressions from Arab weather.

And if the depression is classified as one of 5 degrees according to the intensity scale of air depressions, then this air depression will be the first classified air depression in the current winter, and its impact coincides with the launch of the square of winter in Jordan and the Levant. Undoubtedly, the impact of the region by the first classified depression at the end of December is considered too late if we compare the weather conditions this year with their predecessors in the climatic archives of Jordan and the region.

It is expected that this depression will be accompanied by a sharp drop in temperatures, which will become much lower than their usual rates. It is expected that the weather will be generally cold in most areas, and even very cold over the high mountainous heights.

Gradually quantities of clouds multiply at different altitudes, and as a result, rain is expected, God willing, especially in the north and center of the Kingdom, accompanied by hail showers sometimes over the heights.

It is expected that the effect of this depression will be accompanied by active southwesterly winds, with strong gusts and cause sandstorms in the desert areas of the south and east of the Kingdom.

And about the possibility of this depression being accompanied by snowfall, forecasters at the Arab Weather Center reported that the chance of snowfall in the main Jordanian cities, including the capital Amman, in this depression is almost non-existent, while the opportunity may be favorable according to some indicators of showers. Snowy at the tops of high mountainous heights, but this is difficult to confirm from now due to the distance of time.

God knows

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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