local weather news

Jordan | The temperature now reaches 48 degrees Celsius in the shade in parts of the northern and central Jordan Valley

Jordan | The temperature now reaches 48 degrees Celsius in the shade in parts of the northern and central Jordan Valley

Jordan | Temperatures are approaching 40 degrees Celsius in the east of the capital, Amman, at these moments

Jordan | Temperatures are approaching 40 degrees Celsius in the east of the capital, Amman, at these moments

Riyadh | The heat will intensify in the coming days, with temperatures exceeding the mid-forties by the end of the week (details)

Riyadh | The heat will intensify in the coming days, with temperatures exceeding the mid-forties by the end of the week (details)

Jordan Weather | Record temperatures are expected in the northern and central Jordan Valley regions, with the heat mass effect peaking on Monday

Jordan Weather | Record temperatures are expected in the northern and central Jordan Valley regions, with the heat mass effect peaking on Monday

Jordan | Learn about the areas where forest and forest fires are more likely to occur due to hot weather

Jordan | Learn about the areas where forest and forest fires are more likely to occur due to hot weather

Emirates | The heat intensifies during the first week of June, coinciding with the activity of the monsoon winds in the eastern mountains

Emirates | The heat intensifies during the first week of June, coinciding with the activity of the monsoon winds in the eastern mountains

Sultanate of Oman | After a long absence... thunderstorms return to the Hajar Mountains during the first week of June

Sultanate of Oman | After a long absence... thunderstorms return to the Hajar Mountains during the first week of June

Jordan | The hot mass will reach its peak tomorrow, and a warning will be issued that temperatures will reach 50 degrees Celsius in the northern and central Jordan Valley.

Jordan | The hot mass will reach its peak tomorrow, and a warning will be issued that temperatures will reach 50 degrees Celsius in the northern and central Jordan Valley.

Saudi Arabia | Dust raised by winds in some eastern regions and the continuation of hot weather on Sunday

Saudi Arabia | Dust raised by winds in some eastern regions and the continuation of hot weather on Sunday

Kuwait | The heat wave is intensifying and will continue throughout the next week with extremely hot and exhausting conditions

Kuwait | The heat wave is intensifying and will continue throughout the next week with extremely hot and exhausting conditions

Iraq | A severe and prolonged heat wave is affecting the republic, and 50 degrees Celsius is approaching the capital, Baghdad

Iraq | A severe and prolonged heat wave is affecting the republic, and 50 degrees Celsius is approaching the capital, Baghdad

Gulf countries | The high air force tightens its control over the region, and the winds will affect these areas in the coming days (details)

Gulf countries | The high air force tightens its control over the region, and the winds will affect these areas in the coming days (details)